Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Little Bit About Trails End Popcorn

Better For You!
Trail’s End has reduced the saturated and trans-fats, sodium, sugar and calories in all their products by using canola oils and natural tapioca syrup as a natural sweetener. These changes result in healthier popcorn and more importantly better flavor.
Better Packaging
Trail’s End has also redesigned their packaging for easier product identification that is environmentally friendly and is resealable to keep products fresher longer. (In other words, no more tins!!!) You will also find that it is easier to store, transport and you get more popcorn in every bag. Along with the change is an increased awareness of Scouting, the package is practically a billboard for the Scouting story.

What is expected of me as a parent?
The parent's role in the sale is extremely important. You should help your Scout in every way possible. For a few short weeks of work - you can have an entire year of Scouting paid for!!!

- Help your Scout set his goal to improve their chance to succeed

- Take an order form to work with you

- Help your Scout understand that they are making a contribution to their pack!

- Make this a chance for your scout to improve his communication skills and gain self confidence!

- Encourage your son to contact neighbors, friends, and grandparents and ask them to purchase popcorn

- Out of town family and friends can be sold "online" popcorn